Mario kart double dash mods
Mario kart double dash mods

mario kart double dash mods

The text can be changed into something cool that contains the code we want to ship, since this screen only seems to come up once the user wins a Cup, which will be part of the challenge.

mario kart double dash mods mario kart double dash mods

If we try to open it with GIMP using raw format (won’t look great tho) we can see the text of the “Congratulations” screen: This file contains some data related to the Award screen, which is a texture in BTI format. With these tools I could extract the ISO, and find some promising looking names such as GM4E01/root/AwardData/English/Award2D.arc. arcExtract/arcPack: Tools that extract and repack MK specific files for GC.GCReEx: A tool to extract files from the ISO game and repack them back too.Looking around the internet I found some useful tools right away: I also thought of modding the emulator so that I could do this without hacking the ROM, but that’s too platform dependant and let’s face it, not nearly as cool. The candidate was the Game Cube version of Mario Kart since using the original N64 one would have been probably very difficult and using a more modern version would not be as cool (plus it would be harder to play also, you’d need a hacked console or a powerful computer to emulate it, so GC seems like the perfect candidate). The code is later used to partially unlock a box secured with a couple of padlocks. So the idea was to, as part of the challenge, hide a secret code in a racing videogame, given that the groom is a karts-geek.

mario kart double dash mods

The challenge is part of some old spanish tradition that consists in over-engineering wedding presents so that the lucky couple must fight for their present in the most crazy ways: from using one cent coins, doing origami on small bank notes (some fake!), to wrapping presents using a hundred layers for some extra wedding-night fun. This summer we prepared a small challenge for some friends that got married. Mario Kart Double Dash modding for fun and trolling

Mario kart double dash mods